Did You Pick Up My Shirts?

Let me set the stage. You come home and ask your wife if she picked up your shirts from the cleaners. In your mind, this is a simple yes or no question, but what you get is a fifteen minute play-by-play of her day which ends with, 'and that's why I did not get your shirts today.' Anyone else been there or am I the only one? 

For those of you that missed it, you were just served a yellow flag, a warning. What you say next will either put you in the penalty box or take your relationship with your wife to the next level. Your wife just let you know she has had a very hard day, probably feels undervalued, and is likely very frustrated. What she needs from you at this point is understanding and some help. It probably won't be the end of the world if your shirts aren't picked up today. So instead, tell her you appreciate all she does and ask how you can help her with the remaining chores. 


I Love A Different Woman


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