You Disgust Me

One man explains, "After ten years of marriage, my wife told me it disgusted her to even look at me." Another man tells of returning from a business trip and being greeted by his wife with her saying, "you've been gone for two weeks and I didn't miss you at all." Another tells how after years of not being intimate with his wife, she now wants a divorce. 

You may or may not be able to relate to these stories and consider them extreme cases, but let me assure you, they're real and unfortunately, they're common. The common thread in each of them is the husband chose to love and cherish something more than his wife. Maybe it was his job, his community service, his kids or whatever. The bottom line, something got priority of his time, his love, and his devotion and his marriage paid the price. 

Two of the marriages ended in divorce, and the third is ten more years down the road, and not only did it survive, it is a thriving marriage. This marriage went from a wife being so disgusted with her husband she could not even look at him, to becoming a thriving marriage. The recovery took time, effort, and a husband that was willing to love and cherish his wife above everything else. It can be done and you can do it! 


Despised Last Words


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